16 Aug 2020
We had a great time but some advice: if you are in multiple teams consider for a few people to maybe drive in case someone in your group gets tired. The hunt was an estimated 2.4 miles - ummm my AppleWatch clocked 6 miles. Also, I would highly recommend doing your hunt on a nice cool day if possible. It was 98 degrees for ours and it didn't sound too hot but once we started walking - the heat quickly became unbearable. If doing this particular hunt with small children, I would also recommend either bringing them a stroller, scooter, or even a bike so they don't get tired of walking and causing an adult to have to carry them. Our party guests did wear masks as a courtesy to us and others around but you're outside and it wasn't required other than when we went inside our Pit Stop which was a bakery. Also be aware, you are walking around in Downtown Albuquerque and you will most likely run into some of the homeless community which many DID NOT have on a mask but they were all friendly and weren't bothering anyone. I added the trivia questions and pit stop in our package and that was great! I will definitely do another scavenger hunt! Thanks Let's Roam for giving us some great memories for years to come.