Die Buchungsgebühr beinhaltet die Kosten für die Buchung Ihrer Tickets sowie die Gebühren für den Zahlungsvorgang. Es umfasst auch die Bereitstellung unserer Kundenbetreuungsstelle für die Bearbeitung Ihrer Bestellung und alle Gebühren, die von unseren Lieferanten auferlegt werden.
* Diese Tour erfordert mindestens eine der folgenden Bedingungen pro Buchung: Erwachsene, Senioren
Guiastours wurde gegründet, um ausländische Touristen zu befriedigen, die aus dem Bedürfnis der Passagiere hervorgegangen sind, hervorragende touristische Leistungen zu erbringen, da sie ihre professionellen Trainer im Bereich Tourismus sind.
Unsere Arbeitsphilosophie ist auf die Gesamtqualität des Services und die Bereitstellung von Wissen ausgerichtet, um Ihren Aufenthalt zu einer unvergesslichen Reise mit einem garantierten internationalen Ansehen zu machen.
Unsere Teamarbeit mit persönlichem Service für Einzel- und Gruppenreisen ist von herausragender Qualität, um denjenigen, die uns besuchen, einen seriösen und verantwortungsvollen Service zu bieten.
Wir haben ein Team von Tourismusfachleuten, ein Team von Führern in verschiedenen Sprachen und einen Fuhrpark moderner Fahrzeuge.
Chile ist ein Land, das eine Vielzahl von Reisezielen anbietet, die einen Besuch wert sind. Wir bieten alle Strecken, eine ausgezeichnete Hotelinfrastruktur, ausgezeichnete Restaurants und die Freundlichkeit der chilenischen Bevölkerung.
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Transfer vom Flughafen Calama zum Hotel in San Pedro - Flughafen
Beinhaltet ausgewähltes Hotel mit Frühstück in San Pedro 3 Nächte
Abholung vom Hotel, zweisprachiger Reiseleiter (Spanisch und Englisch, Portugiesisch), Frühstück und Transport.
Eintrittskarte für Lagunas Escondidas (CLP 10.000 USD pro Erwachsenem, 5.000 USD pro Kind von 5 bis 18 Jahren).
Eintrittskarte für Geysers del Tatio (CLP $ 15.000 pro Person).
Enthält keine Flugtickets
Abholung durch Reisende wird angeboten
Wir holen die Passagiere von ihrer Ankunft am Flughafen zum Hotel ab und alle Ausflüge starten vom ausgewählten Hotel
Abholung durch Reisende
El Loa Airport, Calama, Chile
Für alle Fitnesslevel geeignet
Diese Erfahrung ist nicht erstattungsfähig und kann aus keinem Grund geändert werden. Wenn Sie stornieren oder eine Änderung beantragen, wird der von Ihnen gezahlte Betrag nicht zurückerstattet.
10 Feb 2025
Passeios muito interessantes, visitas ao morro do cuscuzeiro, cachoeiras na cidade de brotas, vizinha a Analândia, passeio de quadriciclo (nunca tinha andado em um...) cerveja artesanal fabricada na cidade (Coral) muito boa.
O bar do mi , vizinho da pousada da praça, é muito bom. Provem o bolinho de carne dele, com pimenta artesanal.
Tudo foi bom ! Vou voltar com certeza ????????????????????
22 Jan 2023
We decided to book this so we could see everything with the time allocated to the area. We were touring all of Chile.
So the pick up at the airport was fine, no issues and taken to our hotel straight away, we had been advised to sleep as soon as we got there to get used to the altitude. Sleep we did (our flight was at 3 in the morning), the trip on the first day was delayed as we were given the wrong time, but not a bid deal, this happened on 2 tours.
The first tour of the Moon Valley was fantastic, I really enjoyed it more than I thought the landscape out of this world (no pun intended). the guide was very knowledgeable and very friendly. I think it would be fair to say she was liked by all!
The next tour was the geysers, this was bitterly cold and I also suffered attitude sickness, I had forgotten to take the sweets that I bought. I felt awful but continued slowly. The geysers were not as I expected, I did expect them to be more dramatic but it was just bubbling gently from the ground although there was one which was a little more of an attempt of spouting but unfortunately I was not very impressed. We stopped by the salted water lakes and there were flamingos there -beautiful, we also saw donkeys, vicunas and rabbits.
The last tour was the hidden lagoons, the colour of the water was incredible, it was almost turquoise, the salted earths and landscapes very much an experience. The tour guide was informative. Although there are 2 water areas which can be bathed we were told to use the larger one, we were to bath and dry in the air and when we got back to the bus they would hose us down, which they did. The ability to float in the salted water with the buoyancy was undesirable as you really needed to be there. I felt this trip was ok, I am a swimmer so it was completely different to anything I've tried before. Only gripe would be that there were a lot of people there so it was difficult to take pictures.
All tour had a bite to eat with some drinks which was a nice touch. The accommodation was comfortable, clean and adequate. I would have preferred to have been given the choice of a hotel, due to the times of the tours we could have spent some time relaxing perhaps by a pool but there was no pool in this package. Would be good to get the choice even if it means paying that little bit more.
San Pedro De Atacama is a lovely place, people were wonderfully friendly, we also added a Star Gazing to the trip - see my other reviews.
Would I recommend this trip... knowing what I know now, I probably would have been better arranging everything myself, hindsight is wonderful thing! However, with all that said, I you prefer to ensure everything is in place then go for it!
26 May 2022
Experiência incrível no Atacama, com os melhores passeios, hospedagem e dicas para o que for preciso!
We always double-check the availability with our local partners for each booking. Even though this is usually a swift process, it can take up to 24 hours. Once this process is completed you will receive your voucher or ticket by email. If our local partner is not able to confirm your booking we will offer you the best possible alternative. If the new date and/or time doesn’t fit your itinerary, we will reimburse the full amount paid.
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