Die Buchungsgebühr beinhaltet die Kosten für die Buchung Ihrer Tickets sowie die Gebühren für den Zahlungsvorgang. Es umfasst auch die Bereitstellung unserer Kundenbetreuungsstelle für die Bearbeitung Ihrer Bestellung und alle Gebühren, die von unseren Lieferanten auferlegt werden.
* Diese Tour erfordert mindestens eine der folgenden Bedingungen pro Buchung: Erwachsene, Senioren
3 Wörter, um diese Tour zu beschreiben: Meistgesuchte Reise (in der Mongolei). Sie werden nicht nur in nur 3 Tagen mit 2 Übernachtungen in der traditionellen mongolischen Jurte in die mongolische Kultur, die wilde, aber erstaunlich schöne Natur und die Dschingis-Khan-Statue eingeführt, sondern auch mit Nomaden und ihrem Lebensstil von Angesicht zu Angesicht!
Abholung durch Reisende wird angeboten
Kleinkinder können in einem Kinderwagen gefahren werden.
Begleittiere erlaubt
In der Umgebung sind öffentliche Verkehrsmittel verfügbar.
Für alle Fitnesslevel geeignet
Sie können bis zu 24 Stunden vor dem Erlebnis stornieren, um eine vollständige Rückerstattung zu erhalten.
Stornieren Sie mindestens 24 Stunden vor der geplanten Abfahrtszeit, um eine vollständige Rückerstattung zu erhalten.
Wenn Sie weniger als 24 Stunden vor Beginn des Erlebnisses stornieren, wird der von Ihnen bezahlte Betrag nicht zurückerstattet.
Änderungen, die weniger als 24 Stunden vor Beginn des Erlebnisses vorgenommen werden, werden nicht akzeptiert.
Grenzzeiten basieren auf der Ortszeit des Erlebnisses.
Dieses Erlebnis erfordert gutes Wetter. Wenn es aufgrund von schlechtem Wetter abgesagt wird, wird Ihnen ein anderes Datum oder eine vollständige Rückerstattung angeboten.
16 Aug 2023
It’s been an amazing trip! Guide and driver were super friendly and we ended up knowing more about Mongolia. Accommodations were good, we were staying in a ger on the first night which has excellent facilities, on the second night we chose to stay in a wooden house which was a good experience too. I think this trip is good for those who only stay in Mongolia for a short period of time, me and my friend had seen a lot in these 3 days and we really enjoyed the nomad life.
15 Jul 2023
A shameless scammer! The tour organiser clearly has no idea what they are doing and are in the business only to rip off tourists.
Firstly, the program was terribly inconvenient! A day's drive to the west on the first day, only to reach our destination at night and miss half the activities scheduled. Then back to Ulaanbaatar and further to the east the next day, spending all day in the car, still far behind schedule. The third day was better as it was fewer hours in the car and at least some time spent enjoying the activities. It was obvious that those activities should have never been crammed in a 3-day tour.
But the worst part of all, and the actual scam here, was the accommodation! We paid c. €460 per person to be thrown in some godawful yurts with a shared bathroom in worse condition than an army camp and served prison quality food. We later found out that those cost c. €20 per person per night, food included. We stayed in that yurt for the first night. The second night, upon arriving at a similar place we demanded to be moved to a proper accommodation and indeed, after making a big fuss about it, we did go to a fancy place nearby, costing c. €55 per person per night, fitting what we paid for and expected from the beginning.
I have to mention, though, that our tour guide did everything in his power to accommodate us and make this experience as pleasant for us as possible and for that we are thankful. He was also very friendly and knowledgeable. We also admired the off-road skills of our driver. But none of that could ever make up for the horrendous scam we were caught into.
07 Mar 2023
This was an amazing experience and I highly recommend it to anyone. You get to see a lot in a short amount of time.
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NGA Tour Bureau
We always double-check the availability with our local partners for each booking. Even though this is usually a swift process, it can take up to 24 hours. Once this process is completed you will receive your voucher or ticket by email. If our local partner is not able to confirm your booking we will offer you the best possible alternative. If the new date and/or time doesn’t fit your itinerary, we will reimburse the full amount paid.
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