14 Dec 2022
(Through Holland America). Of course Machu Picchu is awesome, beautiful, inspiring. Worth the pain! First, Callao is the pits, too bad snarled traffic showcases it. After the flight to Cusco, the city tour was very interesting. Great colonial buildings, and remains of the old Inca capital. Lack of oxygen (12,000 ft) slowed me down. Loved the alpaca farm, and special Peruvian dinner at hotel with folk dancers. Breakfast at 3.45am was a shock but good. Bus and train ride to Aguas C. was very beautiful. "Easy" tour of Machu P. nearly killed me - uneven stone steps, no handrails - but that's what ya gotta do!. Long journey back to Cusco. 4am breakfast next day (ugh) to fly to Lima and then 5hr bus ride down Peru's arid coastline to rejoin the ship at Pisco/ S. Martin. Expensive trip but the only way to see this Andean marvel from a cruise ship.