31 Mar 2023
Backpacking with Christian was incredible! We went to the most beautiful and secluded area. I have never seen Arizona this way! I have been here for 10 years and this was an amazing way to see what the wilderness has to offer here; definitely not anything like the movies portray it!
Christian was so knowledgable about the wilderness and was able to identify like every plant, tree and, paw print in the woods. He was also able to explain how things like climate affect an environment or why mountains look a certain way.
The camping part was also excellent! The gear he provided was in excellent condition and he even did the hard part by setting it all up. He hung lights up around camp with solar batteries so that when the sun set we had more light than just the fire.
Lastly, the meals he provided were surprisingly yummy! I was a little hesitant about what seemed like an astronaut meal, but they were delicious and so filling! My favorite was definitely the chicken teriyaki!
I will definitely be booking another trip with Backpack Arizona to learn more about the beautiful places this state has to offer!