22 Mar 2022
This was the coolest thing ever! Okay, not quite as cool as sky diving in Puerto Rico, BUT you should do it!
A random freakin blizzard started just as we were about to hike up the hill, so they piled us into a van and drove us up (score). Then we took off all of our thick winter clothes that would slow us down, donned our helmets and goggles (provided), and put on our gloves (no exposed skin allowed, kiddies) and hurtled face first down the track! Honestly it went like this “hey this isn’t bad at all this is way fun holy….sh…nikes I’m going fast… oh my gawwwwwdddddd…..” bang bang (as you bounce off the walls- don’t worry it has bumpers, that’s not actually you) I WANNA DO IT AGAIN! and then… you get to do it again! But first you have to walk back up the hill in the frickin cold - which hiney wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t a blizzard. I honestly think I might remember how cold my nose was on the walk back up more than anything else, bc it lasted longer lol. Maybe shove a scarf in your crotch for the trek back up. Lol. That shouldn’t ruin your wind resistance :)
After the second time they bring your coats etc down to you and print out your times and give you your photo.
Because of the sideways snow thing we had going on, our people couldn’t really tape us, and there is no “video” option for the skeleton.
But the thrill is to be remembered. I already wanna go back and do it again.
Also, if you think you want to do both, book both. The bobsled was all booked up, after I did the skeleton and then wanted to bobsled too. Because it was SO AMAZING. Gift yourself :) I completely recommend it!