01 Nov 2022
Khaled Abbass has all the amazing attributes One expects from a well educated & knowledgeable Guide. He is very Professional, a signature marker is his disciplined dress-code, that signals recognition amongst the many Street Traders; Guides; Officials; etc etc..
That impressionable appearance served as a "Priority Golden Key" into opening many areas, and allowing us to experience unique opportunities swiftly, by bypassing the lengthy queues.
Khaled is constantly on high alert in regards to an individual's personal safety, which transcends into a "VIP" status as we travel from place to place.
Equally so - when One is separated from his watchful eye - he soon locates you, and brings you back safely in line within the next stage of the journey..
He readily takes into consideration an individual traveler's needs and/or difficulties, and is flexible enough to adjust itineraries, so as to allow the traveler a more personal experience of places...or quirky wants!
Happily acts as a mediator between Bazaar & Store owners - wheeling & dealing prices that in the end provides all concerned with a satisfied achievable sale to purchasing result. Can just as quickly and swiftly sweep persisting trades folk away with an unarguable fierceness.
He follows the governing protocol set in place by Authorities to the letter - that unfailing boundary that although Professional, and warranted, tends to apply a stoic mentality. One can only respect the philosophy behind the outward appearance.
He strives to constantly improve how Egypt is seen by others - but equally so, does not shy away from its inner reality - or the places that truly validate Egypt, in as the Home of what real Life within depicts..
The Discoveries within are always ongoing - and will remain remarkable - however the opportunity to experience Life among the Hub of its People is the greatest unique honour ever to be shared with...
'Light' aka Lise