08 May 2022
This tour was the most horrible trip we had ever done in our life time. The tour manager and the tour guide were having no sense of understanding whatsoever ever. They were speaking so mechanically and having no concerns about your situation. Wrong planning where they had shifted Green tour from second day to First day where we were totally tired after getting up mid night and flew by air. Never checked in to our hotel as the green tour ended only at 8 PM. Hot Air Ballon which was our main purpose to opt for this tour got cancelled we urged them to book our flight in a same night. The green tour wss so tiring and the tour operator or the hotel didn't offer us even a bottle of water inspite we are with two children.
The Tour Manager Ibrahim and Murat were so rude in the conversation that no guest would like to deal with them.
Inspite of clear projection of bad weather and less possibility of Hot Air Ballon the tour manager Murat forced us to travel and kept a false hope that the Hit Air Ballon would surely happen.
Overall we would rate Zero out of 10.