Departure Point
Pojišanska ul. 22, 21000, Split, Croatia
If you select an option with the transfer from Split and this pick-up point, we will pick you up at the bus station at address Pojišanska ulica 22, Split, Croatia.
Departure Point
Put Svetog Lovre 57a, 21311, Stobreč, Croatia
If you select an option with the transfer from Split and this pick-up point, we will pick you up at the bus station near the Camping Split, across the tennis fields.
Departure Point
Poljička cesta 30, 21000, Split, Croatia
If you select an option with the transfer from Split, the second meeting point is at the bus station at street address Poljicka Cesta 30.
Departure Point
21000, Split, Kroatië
If you select an option with the transfer from Split and this pick-up point, you should wait next to the red "SPLIT" sign and restaurant "Terminal F" (street name: Obala Lazareta). Here is the link to the meeting point marked on google map:
Departure Point
Travel Agency Luka Rafting, 21208, Kučiće, Croatia
If you select option without transfer, the meeting point (and finish point) of the rafting trip is a parking place in the Canyon of the river Cetina, some 7 kilometers from the city of Omis. To locate a meeting point type "Travel agency Luka Rafting" in google maps.
Return Details
Pojišanska ul. 22, 21000, Split, Croatia
If you select an option with the transfer from Split and this pick-up point, we will pick you up at the bus station at address Pojišanska ulica 22, Split, Croatia.
Return Details
Put Svetog Lovre 57a, 21311, Stobreč, Croatia
If you select an option with the transfer from Split and this pick-up point, we will pick you up at the bus station near the Camping Split, across the tennis fields.
Return Details
Poljička cesta 30, 21000, Split, Croatia
If you select an option with the transfer from Split, the second meeting point is at the bus station at street address Poljicka Cesta 30.
Return Details
21000, Split, Kroatië
If you select an option with the transfer from Split and this pick-up point, you should wait next to the red "SPLIT" sign and restaurant "Terminal F" (street name: Obala Lazareta). Here is the link to the meeting point marked on google map:
Return Details
Travel Agency Luka Rafting, 21208, Kučiće, Croatia
If you select option without transfer, the meeting point (and finish point) of the rafting trip is a parking place in the Canyon of the river Cetina, some 7 kilometers from the city of Omis. To locate a meeting point type "Travel agency Luka Rafting" in google maps.