Departure Point
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 104, 95131 Catania CT, Italy
This is the address of the office, if you have any problems you can find us here.
Pick-up will be at your accommodation in Catania city and surrounding area.
Pick-up time is at 9 am, few minutes flexibility are asked in case of traffic jam.
For a smooth service we recommend waiting in front of your accommodation at the agreed time.
Traveler pickup
- Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 104, 95131 Catania CT, Italy
- Porto d'Ulisse, 95126 Catania, Metropolitan city of Catania, Italy
Return Details
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 104, 95131 Catania CT, Italy
This is the address of the office, if you have any problems you can find us here.