Departure Point
Dock Maarten, Juancho Yrausquin Blvd, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Staying at Oyster Pond or Philipsburg?
Pick up is included if you chose pick up at your hotel, lodging address, residence address or company in, and areas between, Philipsburg and Oyster Pond (for example Divi, Belair, Oyster Bay, Holland House, Vicky’s Keys, Alicia’s Inn, Dawn Beach) We’ll meet you at your location at 8.30 am LOCAL TIME, no pick-up fee will be charged.
Staying anywhere else on St Maarten or St Martin?
For guests choosing pick-up at other hotels, lodging addresses, residence addresses or companies including cruise ship guests there are 2 options:
1. We can pick you up for an additional fee per person, depending on the location. Please check with your activities desk or contact us to see if your location is listed as a paid pick-up location.
2. We will pick you up at 8.30 am LOCAL TIME from the parking lot of Chesterfield’s Restaurant, Dock Maarten, in Philipsburg (See location on map below). Parking is available for the first hour at USD $2.00, each additional hour USD $1.00. No pick-up fee will be charged. No Uber or similar services have started on our island yet, so you’ll need to get there by taxi or rental car.
from the cruise ship terminal (it'll take you 10 minutes when walking a regular pace)::
Exit the cruise ship terminal through the main exit, onto the main public road and turn left following the road to Philipsburg. After a five minute straight walk you'll see Johnny's Scooter Rental on your left, it's a small shack with a big smiley sign on top. Go to the parking lot behind Johnny's Scooter Rental. We'll be on that parking lot in a silver van.
If you prefer not to walk, you can ask one of the many taxis at the cruise ship terminal to drop you off at Chesterfield's Restaurant for a couple of dollars. Bear in mind they, maybe, will wait for their car/van to fill up before they depart.
Traveler pickup
- Parking Lot Dock Maarten close to Philipsburg Cruise Terminal