13 Apr 2023
I’ll start with mentioning that Tera was an absolute treat to meet (along with her adorable cat on a leash FIG) and a master scavenger hunt leader! ????????
I spent two nights solo in Joshua Tree for that weekend and decided to spread the hunt over those two days, completing it on Easter Sunday. Unknowingly challenging myself to do the entire hunt in order, but in the reverse direction. ????
I have visited Hidden Valley many times in the past, but I have never appreciated it more than this particular weekend because of the scavenger hunt and how immersed it made me in the game and the valleys history. The hunt really brought out my creative side and kept my brain on high alert, searching for clues, locations and composing video/audio clips for the entire experience. ????
My favorite part of the whole experience was finding rocks that look like something, and naming them! This was extremely fun for me because my Pareidolia sense is very strong and paired with my photoshop abilities, I was able to take this part of the hunt to a new level, adding to the photos to really make my visions come alive. (See attached photos) ????
Tera did a phenomenal job at composing the whole thing in a unique way and was also fantastic at providing an interactive experience (after the fact) when it was time to share my findings through WhatsApp. Telling stories and informing me of certain things I may have otherwise missed. ✨
To anyone considering doing a scavenger hunt, I highly recommend it! ????