21 Jan 2025
The charming and affable Edgir Pires grew up in Rhode island so speaks perfect English albeit with a Boston accent. He is the coordinator for Union and they get HUGE groups (99% from the DREADFUL all inclusive monstrosities at far West end of Santa Maria) . We were in our own group of 8, the MAX size I can tolerate as we are fully indepdent travellers (on Boa Vista we had a group size of 2, my preferred size)!
So our group was subcontracted out to Morabeza Tours. Our guide/driver was excellent, spoke fluent English and intrigued us very much about his home island of Santa Antao, the coolest and grrenest of the 10 islands in this country.
The only two bummers were the HUGE CROWDS at each site, like Europe, and the Red flag that prevented us from swimming at Buracona (The Blue Eye). Murdeira and Buracona were the highlights for me as I love spectacularly seascapes. My better half was most impressed with the salt pond float at Pedra de Lume (Ive swum in the Dead Sea and have a slight cut in my foot which would have really hurt had I entered the brine).