01 Oct 2022
Look, I love the river and being outside just as much as anyone. I hadn't fully understood the current status of the river (it's very low right now). After riding on the bus for an hour, away from the Tetons and the gorgeous views of Jackson Hole, we were told that we were still doing our scenic float, but it would involve navigating some of the rapids that are typical to a whitewater trip.
It didn't take long to realize that this trip was simply a money-grab. You are floating the whitewater section of the river, but the guide is operating as if it's a scenic float. You don't get the fun of going through the rapids, but instead you get splashed by small waves along the way, making you cold for the rest of the ride. At the same time, you don't get any of the views or wildlife that would make a scenic trip worthwhile. And then, you guessed it, another hour in the bus.
I have read great things about this company, but these end of season trips are just an excuse to take your money.